Construction Certificates…. Yes, you can appoint a private certifier.
Private Certifiers can issue the Construction Certificate and undertake all the inspections.
When lodging a Development Application (DA) with Council, you do not need to apply at that time for the Construction Certificate (CC). Only lodge and pay for the Development Application. If you lodge the CC with Council, and it has not been determined, you can withdraw the application.
Private Certifiers can issue a Construction Certificate, and be the Principal Certifying Authority, not just Council. It is often much quicker for a Private Certifier to issue the CC and this minimises having to wait to commence the works on site. Also, a Private Certifier can sign off on a lot of matters & conditions contained in the DA Approval, avoiding you having to go back to Council and be delayed further.
What is needed for a Construction Certificate.
The Private Certifier needs the DA Approval and Stamped Plans and documents as part of the application as well as:
Engineers plans for slab, footings, structural steel or others
Soil classification report (only if required)
Builders specification
Receipts of any payments required
Depending on the type of build, and conditions, may affect the information that is required.
Construction inspections – the PCA
A Private Certifier can undertake the inspections, even if Council has previously issued the CC. Prior to works commencing on site, or prior to the first inspection being carried out, it is recommended that you apply to Council to replace the Principal Certifying Authority. This will avoid delays in getting the inspections when needed and trades being postponed.
DWBC can issue a CC within 24hours of receipt of all documents when an Urgency Application is lodged. Otherwise issuing of the CC is within 5 working days upon receipt of all the information required. When undertaking inspections, we work hard to fit in all the inspections when they are called for, and some with minimal notice. This is to keep the construction phase moving forward without delays and avoid the frustrations of having to wait a number of days.